

This aims to develop a personal-assistant for windows-based systems.

FINAL DAVID(DEMO) <–David/assets/123828588/2d5cc2f7-39f7-474d-9eb0-4500099a0ec2


My Personal Assistant - ‘David’ draws its isnpiration from virtual assistants like Cortana for windows and (also some features will be added in future like Siri for iOS).

It has been designed to provide a user-friendly interface for carrying out a variety of tasks by employing certain well-defined commands.


As we know Python is an emerging language so it becomes easy to write a script for Voice Assistant in Python. The instructions for the assistant can be handled as per the requirement of user. Speech recognition is the process of converting speech into text. This is commonly used in voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, etc. In Python there is an API called SpeechRecognition which allows us to convert speech into text. It was an interesting task to make my own assistant. It became easier to send emails without typing any word, Searching on Google without opening the browser, and performing many other daily tasks like playing music, opening your favorite IDE with the help of a single voice command. In the current scenario, advancement in technologies are such that they can perform any task with same effectiveness or can say more effectively than us. By making this project, I realized that the concept of AI in every field is decreasing human effort and saving time. Functionalities of this project include:

  1. It can send emails.
  2. It can read PDF.
  3. It can send text on WhatsApp.
  4. It can open command prompt, your favorite IDE, notepad etc.
  5. It can play music.
  6. It can do Wikipedia searches for you.
  7. It can open websites like Google, YouTube, etc., in a web browser.
  8. It can give weather forecast.
  9. It can give desktop reminders of your choice.
  10. It can have some basic conversation.

Now the basic question arises in mind that how it is an AI? The virtual assistant that I have created is like if it is not an A.I, but it is the output of a bundle of the statement. But fundamentally, the mail purpose of A.I machines is that it can perform human tasks with the same efficiency or even more efficiently than humans. It is a fact that my virtual assistant is not a very good example of A.I., but it is an A.I.


Artificial Intelligence when we used with machines, it shows us the capabilty of thinking like humans. In this, a computer system is designed in such a way that typically requires interaction from human. As we know Python is an emerging languae so it becomes easy to write a script for voice assistant in python.

The instructions for this can be handled as per the requirement of user. Speech Recognition is Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, etc. In python there is a module named as ‘SpeechRecognition’ which is a external built module also we can say that is a python library which helps in performing speech recognition, with support for several engines and APIs, online and offline which allows us to convert speech into text.

It is an interesting task to make my own personal voice assistant.

It became easier to send emails without typing any word, easier to send whatsapp message without typing any words, searching on google without opening the browser by own like just say ‘David can you tell me who is the founder of Python language?’, and performing many other tasks like playing music, opening your favourite games by single voice command, opening your favourite IDE by single voice command and so on.. .

The functionality include in my ‘David’:-

  1. It can send emails
  2. It can read pdf files
  3. It an send texts on whatsapp
  4. It can open command prompt
  5. It can open your favourite game
  6. It can open your IDE
  7. It can switch the window
  8. It can open your notepad and so on…. there are 100+ functions included in my ‘David’


The Data flow of ‘David’ is as follows:



  1. Android app can be developed from this
  2. Make more voice terminals of this assistant.
  3. voice commands can be encrypted to mainain security.
  4. Make personal voice assistant like ‘David’ to learn more on its own and develop a new skill.